Kauai, Hawaii

Live Cams, Weather Conditions, and Beach Activity

Lawai Beach Resort Live Webcam in Kauai, Hawaii

Live beach webcam from Lawai Beach Resort in Kauai, Hawaii. Located on the south shore of Kauai, Lawai Beach Resort features 176 condominium units set on 7 acres overlooking one of the best snorkeling and surfing spots at Lawai Beach. The resort offers tropical 1- & 2-bedroom units with laundry, balconies & kitchens, plus 3 swimming pools, spas & activities.

Check the current weather, surf conditions, and enjoy scenic views from most popular beaches & resorts in Hawaii.

Popular Islands & Beaches
Lawai Beach Resort, 5017 Lawai Rd., Koloa, HI 96756

Map of Kauai, Hawaii